Thursday, July 3, 2008


No new Nijuu Mensou no Musume yet. Sad. I wish they would release it more accurately, some weeks it comes out on Tuesday and some weeks not until Sunday. I can't wait to watch the new episodes and I usually do right as they come out so whenever there is a big gap I'm sad.

I went to my eye doctor appointment today and they had to dilate my eyes and they felt really weird all day. They hurt, and my ankle hurt too, so I left work early even though I probably shouldn't have. My ankle has been hurting a lot lately, in the past few months I would run and then stumble or trip, and it would hurt for a little while, and then be fine, but since last week it's been hurting almost constantly. I can walk, but it hurts, and this morning the upper part of my limb was hurting as well. So I don't know what's going on there.

I got a book at the library, but it was the Spanish edition. I had ordered it and I was really sad when I saw that, because I really want to read it and now I have to wait even longer.

Ross's parents' house is so nice. We ended up having to take Kitty to Selah because he was being a brat over here and hissing at Tigger constantly. So off he went.