Sunday, November 2, 2008


School is good, but it keeps me super busy so I haven't been doing much besides school, work, and squeezing in books and sewing and Internet when I can. I really like Chinese, especially, I was worried that maybe Japanese was just a fluke and I didn't have any sort of special talent for languages, but I am learning really quickly and doing really well. To me it seems really easy, except the tones, but that's just the pronunciation and everyone has trouble with those, but the writing and characters and grammar are really easy and I love learning it.

Japanese class is way too easy and I have no idea how some of the students even made it to 2nd year, since they seem to struggle with basic kanji and even read hiragana incorrectly sometimes, and don't know a lot of easy vocab that you learn in 1st year. But the teacher is really nice, I like her a lot, and I'm just studying extra kanji and getting in lots of writing practice. It's nice to be actually studying again.

Math is not too fun, I shouldn't have taken it. It got hard really quickly, and since I have the math I need and I'm not doing anything with math, I should have just taken something else. Too late now, though, so I might be getting my FIRST EVER C. AH NOES. Oh well it's college and as Ross said "Cs make degrees!" Ha. As long as I can get into library school I will be happy.

It is SO COLD in our house. I got a space heater a while back and it keeps the room nice and toasty warm except when the cats run in and out, which they do constantly. They like to whine at the door and wake everyone up and make us open the door and let them out, and then five minutes later they are back. They're so cute though so we have to forgive them, but it makes it even colder. I love my space heater though.

I had to spend some money on warmer clothes since I didn't even have a coat, and a lot of my sweaters mysteriously disappeared. So I got a wool coat (ugh but warm) and a couple of sweaters and warm pajamas for the house.

I need to get a new job. I can only work about three and a half hours a day since I have school, and that's not enough. I want to get a campus job so I can work until six or seven some days, and five or six some, and then work in between classes. It's mostly the money, but also the attitudes of some of the people who work there are really getting on my nerves.

Money, though. .The first check of the month goes entirely to rent and bills and I would starve if I hadn't gotten food stamps, so Brian and Marie shouldn't be condescending to me about it. NO I don't have any money, if I did would I be trying to get food stamps? The government has these programs for people like me. If they didn't, I wouldn't be here because that's how my mom was able to feed us when we were growing up since my dad was a lazy bum who couldn't hold down a proper job. Just because you have such fabulous parents who fed ALL FOUR OF YOU without EVER having to take government assistance, well, screw you. You don't know what it's like to be poor, and since you waste your food money on fast food and junk you don't know how happy it makes me to be able to COOK.

Unfortunately, they all had to sign the stupid paper saying that they lived with me, so I had to tell everyone stuff that I would rather keep private. Jim is great though, he's super nice about everything even though he makes fun of me all the time. I'm glad Brian decided to take the upstairs bedroom next to Marie because he's annoying enough all the way up there.

I really wanted to finish my comic today and read for a while but it's already so late I am just going to bed.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Everything goes good for a while and then all of a sudden a bunch of crap happens! I am still really happy that school is going to be starting soon, and then I won't be so bored all the time. Also I will work less hours and the time that I'm at work I won't be doing very much since there isn't too much to do, which means I can read and do my homework! It's really nice that I have such a good job right now. I don't get paid very much, but it's a good amount for what I do (which isn't much). I make more than I did at the library and it was fun, but I worked hard. Sometimes I work hard, here, too, when there is work to do, but sometimes there's nothing to do so it evens out.

The only bad thing about school is that I don't have enough financial aid to take 20 credits this quarter, since I have to pay a few bills, so I have to be content with 15 credits. Next quarter and the one after though, I can take 20 so I am looking forward to that.

Work is really busy right now though so when I work I am constantly working and I still don't get everything done. Hopefully it will slow down soon, that will be nice to have a break. It might be busy until I start school, and that's okay too, just I don't have very much reading time at work anymore. That's okay though, too, because the stool makes my back hurt when I read for a while.

The really bad thing is that my credit card bill is astoundingly high since I had joined a DVD club thing a while back and I should have just already canceled by now but I keep forgetting to call and cancel, and they sent a DVD that I didn't want because I didn't respond to the notification that they were going to send it soon enough, and so I was just going to send it back, but I never got it. So I go on to look, and this is the address they sent it to:

EDWALL, WA 98926

I have no idea where they got that ridiculous address from, but that's what they have. I also don't know how the bill went through, since that's also the billing address! But it did, and that is the problem. Since it was a month before that, it went onto my credit card just recently, which is at the limit, and so I got charged for the DVD, for the overlimit fee (39.00), and so now I have to pay my regular payment (15) plus the DVD (25.49) plus the overlimit fee (39), PLUS the payment protector fee (5) which got attached to my account somehow, I have no idea how since I never heard about it or requested it. Fantastic. I can't wait to pay off the stupid card and cut it up. Credit is nice, sometimes, but I'm going to keep the USBank one instead of this one, which was what I was going to keep, because I've never ever had any problems with them.

So now on Monday I have to call everyone and get it straightened out. I'm sure if I get the DVD charge erased, which I'd better since I never got it, their fault, and was going to send it back anyway, they'll take away the overlimit fee and that will all be taken care of. The crappy thing is that my payment is due on Tuesday! Which is the reason I found all this out in the first place, because I was checking my payment.

Money sucks. Everything should be free, or else the only things that people should be able to get, at all, are what they need and only that. Then everyone will be the same and have the same amount of stuff and just worry about more important things. Okay, that really wouldn't work so well.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I like our new couch. Jim bought it from Jeremy. Brian thought Jeremy had just given it to him and I said no I'm pretty sure he bought it so it's Jim's couch and Jim said I could put my feet on it so there haha. I like squishy green couches. Brian's couches are lame. They are scratchy and old and smell like smoke and old. So now there is a squishy couch to sit on. It would be nice to do my homework there but I would only sit up there when Brian isn't there. Even though the living room belongs to all of us it's upstairs so Ross and I don't go there too much, all of our stuff is down here. The nice thing is that the couch is not in a good position to see the TV so that makes it a low priority seat.

I was going to look something up online but I can't remember what it was. I don't think it was that important but it's really bothering me. I'll probably remember it tomorrow but I want to look it up now OH it was jobs. I am tired of my job (no one is surprised at that) but just because of the people who work there. I don't know why I can't get along with people well enough to be happy for a longer time at jobs, but I really don't like people, at all, with a few exceptions. I don't even like Brian that much, and I live with him. I can't even think of twenty people who I'm not related/will be related to who I can stand to be around for any given period of time.

I wish I worked at Superior instead of Model because while Jenny's flakiness would get on my nerves after a while, especially if I was the one the customers got mad at for her mistake, which happens to Hope a lot, working with Hope is really fun. Jenny is nice, too, and she talks a lot and is friendly, which is more than I can say for the people at Model. They aren't mean or anything, they just aren't really friendly, except Liz, and she is the manager and old. I like her, though. Rick doesn't talk, but he's funny enough and nice enough when he does, and Lucy is nice but she's old too. Amanda is my age but I don't like her very much. She can be nice but she's usually just bossy and doesn't talk very much.

I will work this Friday at Superior, though, since Jenny will have the day off, so I'll get to talk to Hope and that will be fun. Then Saturday I can go to Uwajimaya to get my NEW SUPER CUTE glasses and I will put pictures up on my Facebook. I succumbed to pressure and finally worked on one, and I don't have that much stuff up but it's enough, I guess. I still think it's silly but I guess it's kind of fun.

I really need to find more stuff to read. I've been looking for book recommendations from LJ communities so I can have more things to read because I've read everything I can get a hold of that I know about and want to read.

Kitty ate my licorice. ??! What a weird kitty. He eats goldfish crackers, too. Hahaha. I love my cat, even if he pees on the bed and bangs on the door at night.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


My hours got cut back at work so it seems like once again I'm going to be short on money.

I really want school to start. I'm getting bored and tired of waiting for it. Also, I really hope Dr. Nelson will approve me to take 20 credits or that I can find another counselor who will sign off on it. I don't want to just take three classes, that isn't enough.

I really need to stop eating out and go swimming at the pool again. I hate my fat legs and I hate it when my jeans are too tight.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Don't die, Morgan Freeman! You can do it, hang in there, you're only 71, you'll go on to make many great movies, like the next Batman movie, and all kinds of other good stuff.

People are going to start to think someone doesn't want another Batman movie, or at least that they have it in for the stars of this one. First Heath Ledger dies, then Christian Bale is arrested, now Morgan Freeman is in a car accident. Pretty fishy.


Don't die, Morgan Freeman.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Moving is teh suck. I hate packing and I hate boxing things and I hate cleaning. Well, I don't really hate cleaning, I just don't like cleaning up messes from other people, and the people who lived here before didn't do any cleaning when they moved out and since we just took over their lease, we have to do it all even though we lived here for only four months. It is super annoying but we have to do it to get the deposit back. All I will say is that Brian had better help and do his fair share of the work. He already made plans tomorrow, and can't help us move furniture, even though Ross specifically asked him last week to help us and he knew anyway that we were moving out Wednesday. He can be so inconsiderate sometimes.

I'm so tired from packing and moving stuff and setting things up. I really hate moving. I've moved so many times in my life, especially in the last few years, and I can't wait for the day when we buy a house and just stay there.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


It is official!~ We've been talking about it for a while but now it is for sure. Ross and I are going to get married next year on July 4th. (July 4th because every year we, well, I, can pretend that the fireworks are just for us!)

We went to the house today, it's really icky and old and there are lots of bugs. Marie has been saying that the bathroom upstairs is 'her' bathroom. Okay, whatever. I am going to go upstairs and take a shower there whenever I want to. Just because you happen to have a room upstairs doesn't mean you get to claim the best bathroom for yourself, especially when it's the only one with a tub. The downstairs bathroom is so bad. It's yellow-looking and there isn't any good light and it's got tons of spiders and stuff. I hate bugs. I'm not going to like living there. At least mostly I'll be at school and in my room and stuff. Probably I'll just come home every night and take a shower around 6 before anyone else is worrying about that and then it won't be a problem with other people's schedules, but really, that just isn't fair.